Disclaimer: This project was done before the war in our country and we are happy to be alive and able to share with you our work. To help us defend our native land from Russian aggression you can donate to the needs of our country via this LINK. Thank you!
Our archive project, that we develop over the last 2 years. It has been stopped a few times and then continued, went through a few stages of corrections, and now is finished. We believe this project is quite special and definitely worth looking at.
The building is very old so this apartment has such an atmosphere when it feels like even the walls contain something spiritual and we wanted to increase this feeling. We started with this bedroom and the main idea was to find a special color for it and the red clay color fit very nicely with the wood of the wardrobe.

A very special master wardrobe continues the red tone theme and improves it by adding dark red plaster on the walls, warm lighting, veneer, and brass furniture to it.

A cozy cabinet is planned as a quiet and calm space for thinking and working.

The original ceilings in this house were very low so we kept it as bright as we can. A glossy floor visually increases the size of the room. The space appears to be cheerful and cozy so guests would enjoy spending time here.

The kitchen is also a part of this living open space but is partly hidden above the cabinets, which contain a lot of functions and are very useful from both sides.

The stairs are a part of this apartment which we tried to keep original as much as possible. We didn't want to make an accent here, that's why all of this space is almost completely painted in milk-white and the natural light does all the work.

The guest bathroom continues the brass theme with the dark wooden doors but adds callacata marble pieces which look beautiful with this warm metal furniture.